Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ulladulla Sporting Complex and 'Future Park'

I had very valuable discussions in Ulladulla last week with business and community leaders but I chose to stay away from the meeting with council, attended by Joanna Gash MP, at the Future Park on Thursday morning as it is far more important for Mrs Gash and the community to secure a win on this issue than for me to secure any political publicity relating to it. 

You can watch the WIN News coverage here.

I had spoken to the Milton Ulladulla Times two weeks before in warm support of the prospects for securing a major recreational precinct drawing together the Dunn Lewis Centre, Future Park and Sporting Complex. My comment on Friday to the Milton Ulladulla Times added this:

My concern is to move community away from 'zero-sum games' where we all fight for one half empty glass.We have to see that working together, community - everyone, including business - can bring new combined power and fresh ideas. When we fight against each other the whole town goes backwards. Think big. Ulladulla has doubled in about 30 years. It will double again. Plan for 2020 and beyond. I will be 77 in 2020. The people who will be 40 in 2020 need to speak out, build the vision together. It's your town, not the mayor's.