Friday, May 23, 2008

Stolen Generations exhibition

There were wonderful happy family scenes at the official opening of an exhibition of photographs from Aboriginal missions at the Shoalhaven Art Centre tonight. 

The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Local Government, Paul Lynch MP, noted in the course of a very warm speech reflecting his real, historical, extensive engagement with indigenous issues, that 77% of Australians supported Kevin Rudd's Sorry statement. 

I said later, talking to an Aboriginal friend, that 77% of that 77% had never shaken an Aboriginal person by the hand and did not know how to. 

I am sure that we have close to that 77%/77% in the Shoalhaven, including in corners well off and skilled. So, it seems to me we will need a Shoalhaven Next After Sorry Committee which could bring the people of goodwill, with intellectual and material means but lacking contact, into direct opportunities to assist empowerment projects in indigenous communities. Some ideas about 'Next' were in this article I wrote in February.

Note that the highest proportion of Aboriginal people on the south coast live in the Shoalhaven.

Do drop into the Arts Centre, next to the Nowra Library, to see this exhibition (currently also two other excellent exhibitions)