Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"Anyone would be better than Greg Watson"

Dear Readers

Conversation with a small businessman this morning:

 "Think of standing, are you? Anyone would be better than Greg Watson."

I guess you have to take the water with the compliments! Gives me room for manoeuvre?

Well, actually there's more needed. Hugh Mackay found at the 2004 federal elections that people would not shift any vote unless their immediate interests were threatened. At the Federal level we have gotten away from the fear-based politics. But not yet in the Shoalhaven.

There are two things to be done (you may recommend more).
• First, for people to stand up and say they will participate in making a change. I am more than happy for my positions to be adopted by anyone sincerely and I myself can go back to private life. A collaborative approach is needed, crossing political boundaries. A shift in values and ways of doing business, by all participants.
• Second, people need to come to terms with the fact that continuing as now is a direct threat to their lives.
- young people are driven away
- honest business and investment is driven away
- we have no community leadership to address critical new issues.

best wishes
