The Shoalhaven attracts nothing special. Even in regard to highways, the top priorities are elsewhere.
We have high population growth, large infrastructure problems with 49 villages and towns over nearly 5000sq/km. We have high tourist numbers. We have unemployment at double the state average. We are very badly placed on the index of socio-economic disadvantage. So far as attracting either government or private investment is concerned, we are on the nose because of the conduct of our local government.
The economic outlook is grim (see Chapter 9 of the Budget Paper 2). We need as a community to be led positively and encouraged to work together or we will be at our throats.
As anticipated, there is funding for construction of a 500 inmate gaol at South Nowra. Yes, there will be jobs associated with construction and operation. My broader focus is on integration of the gaol into our community. It will have wide social impact. We can treat it either as some kind of ghetto problem or we can be inclusive and seek to support associated families and rehabilitation.
Mental health gets a nice mention at the front, with commitment to "additional frontline service numbers, including additional mental health professionals..." but that gets smudged in detail sections and it is unclear whether the dense bureaucracy of the Area Health Service can save the Community Mental Health Services, with backbone roles, from their present desperate crisis. I said this on Monday on this subject.
The pinning of salaries will make it hard to attract staff good, as also it makes it hard for workers to cope where they have to commute great distances by car. The price of food and fuel will be way ahead of the salary increase of maximum 2.5%. The price of mortgages already way up.